1. I am popular (this is a joke I have shared with many of you.. made funnier by the wicked soundtrack)
2. I am a horrible shopper- I really broke a sweat and was blushing when I talked to a salesman in Pottery Barn a few weeks ago
3. I have won 3 notable awards in my like (jr. High science fair, caring award, the golden scaler) I don't feel I have deserved any of those
4. I have frequent buyers remorse
5. I have a bad habit of picking my kids noses
6. I don't own a cell phone (this just changed)
7. I don't recall ever being in a homes with security systems until we moved to AZ, now they are in about 50% of the homes I go in
8. I work in the cub scouts, and love it
9. Growing up I wanted to be a grocery checker, back then they typed the prices in by hand and I thought that was cool. The scanners have made the job loose its appeal for me.
10. I am embarrassed when I get a haircut, I don't like the attention, so I end up wearing my hair in a ponytail for days and then slowly introducing the new cut.
11. My ideal vacation is visiting family (I have been to San Diego, Seattle, Vermont, Nashville) I like having the automatic tour guide
12. Listening to certain types of music brings out the dancer and singer in me
13. In my mind November = BYU vs. Utah football game
14. Some of the best moments in my life have been at BYU football games
15. I carried a plastic bowl everywhere with me for the first 2 and 1/2 years of Masons life.
16. Im waffly
17. I have to go to a dark place in my head when we make big purchases
18. I have had some amazing conversations with others, but can't seem to remember key points of the conversation even 10 min. later (maybe I am a feeling person)
19. Growing up we had oatmeal for breakfast most mornings, Cold cereal was a rare treat. I am coming back to the oatmeal ways, though the rest of the family will stick with the cold cereal.
20. I am a wanna be perfectionist. I like the results but not the time or demand it creates.
21. I have felt an addiction to running before.
22. My marathon experience- especially the training was a pleasant surprise, and one of the best times of my life
23. I like being a mom more than I thought I would
24. I can't decide if I am an optimist or a pessimist. I think I am only a pessimist with Clint (poor guy)
25. I have a hard time believing I do anything well.
26. I scream while I am in labor
27. I am willing to try most things.. except... ok well some things.
28. I am close with the ladies of the family
29. I like getting to know new people
30. I wish I were more patient and organized. I would have more kids.
31. Clint is a very patient person, but I really tend to push the limits
32. I wish I had taken education more seriously
33. I long for security, but have no idea what that is in my mind
34. having a girl has made me want to be more feminine, I still don't know how to wear makeup
35.I like a sense of humor in people, and when its mixed with intellect its golden (Pres. Hinckley)
36. Im grateful for growing up where I did.
37. I don't think I would raise my kids there
38. I am grateful I had such good friends in high school, and believe they played a part in making me who I am today
39. I don't think we will ever own a brand new car
40. I think my kids are going to be better than I was, or am
41. I have enjoyed our time in AZ
42. I don't like juice or pop - water for me
43. I think I have an addiction to sugar
44. I am uncomfortable around people who worry about their weight.
45. I have discovered wrinkle creases on my forehead that make me feel like I must walked with a surprised look on my face all day
46. I like low rider jeans
47. I like reef flip flops
48. I don't have any fashion sense beyond that
49. I don't think my in-laws are weird. In fact I really like them. This is more rare than I thought.
50. I was a bit of a puppet for my sisters, luckily they were good puppeteers
51. Writing this has made me very self-conscious of my grammar and spelling skills.. and my personality.
52. I get a weird energy and enjoyment out of being the teacher of a group that has no choice but to listen to me. That must be why I enjoy working in primary and why I went into dental hygiene
53. I had spinal meningitis as an infant
54. I played quarterback for our ward intramural flag football team
55. I was on two championship BYU intramural teams (both softball) our first year there. This is a goal of many and reality of few in their time at BYU.... or at least I like to think so.
56. I feel I have grow in our short time away from Utah and family
57. I am not looking forward to moving back although I do think Utah and my family are wonderful
58. I would rather attend a sporting event than go shopping or spaiing (is that a word??)
59. My favorite form of exercise is playing sports... though I am not all that good at them
60. I have NPR on in our house and car almost constantly.
61. I like PBS.
62. I am shocked that anyone would HATE #60, #61. I have met her.
63. I wish I had more time to read, and like to do so in bed before I go to sleep.
64. I don't wear makeup and wouldn't know where to begin. This worries me.
65. I think I am going bald. Clint thinks it worse for a man to go bald than for a woman. WHAT!
66. My ideal exercise routine would include weight training, swimming, yoga, and running. Not in one session of course.
67. I would have liked to have lived more places.
68. I have a lack decorating skills
69. I have a desire to be more 'outdoorsy'
70. I wish I were more creative
71. I would like to be a good teacher.
72. I feel I have bad teeth for a hygienist. I went to the dentist last week and didn't let them know I was a hygienist.
73. I often compose thank you letters in my head, but rarely send them.
74. We live in an area where all the houses are brand new. I don't know that we would ever buy a brand new house again.
75. I wish my grandparents were still around
76. This list is getting really hard to make.
77. I have a weird fear of making goals
78. Clint just got me an ipod. I didn't think I wanted it, but it is wonderful
79. I think I am pretty independent, but I think I get reliant when Clint is around
80. I rarely laugh out loud, even if I think something is funny
81. I think this will be a fun list to read in the future, and am excited to read other peoples.
82. I have had the same best friend growing up, we share birthdays, and I still consider her one of my bests
83. I wear glasses/contacts.
84. I have pretty good pregnancies
85. my natural tendency is to claim more of my Italian heritage than my German, even though I have more german blood. Something is just cooler about Italian.
86. I used to be self-conscious about my nose, now I don't care so much.
87. I have big teeth. I think this helped me get a job in the dental field
88. My pre-dental field jobs were all janitorial. I still don't know any cleaning tricks.
89. I don't think the women in my family know how to take time for themselves
90. I have had to kick my boys out of the house, feed ruby about 1 lb. of cheese and put her to bed to be able to write this post
91. Growing up I felt that my best friend was smarter than be because she had cable, now I think it is because she read more
92. My favorite halloween costume was a pippi longstocking outfit. I loved her!
93. I don't like to have the same things as other people, but don't want to be odd either.
94. I sometimes leave conversations thinking "why did I say that, or did I talk about myself the whole time?" things like that
95. My favorite thing to say when I was little was "don't bug me", I still say that to my kids sometimes, and feel bad./
96. When I am pregnant I tend to have space and touch issues
97. I did my great brain project in 3rd grade on popcorn, a regular snack our family.
98. My toenails are usually painted (red or purple.)
99. My favorite movies usually are sad and funny (Life is beautiful, My life)
100. I feel bad that I challenged others to make this list...but I know they can do it.
I did it!
We're polar opposites on some things and perfect matches on others. I think we should get married....um, I mean I think we should be friends. Oh good, we are already.
Can't you guys move to TX instead of UT? Houses are way cheaper here...
I love this list! I think I laughed out loud about 10 times!
I'll somehow figure out how to make my computer cooperate so I can post mine soon.
Nanci, Loved your list! So fun to read. You did leave something out though,in the award one, you didn't mention you won the Golden Tooth Tool award, and I know for a fact you had very anal, and perfectionist competition for that one.
I will help you become more girlie if you help me stop obsessing about my weight.
I can't wait to check your blog EVERY DAY! I forgot that you are one of my most favorite people.
Nancy Lumpich! Bet you thought we all forgot that your nickname is really weird. And I think that maybe you didn't know that we called you Nancy Lumpich all through high school...Mark couldn't say your last name. I can come up with 1 through 5 for my list. I think Elisa should write it for me.
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