Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Warning

In order to ease my conscience, I am sending out a warning to you that I should have given to my neighbor yesterday. I was leaving to run some errands yesterday evening and while getting into my car noticed that my neighbor standing next to his black pickup truck, in the heat, was reading the directions to this:

As I drove away, having said nothing, I knew I should have shared the experience we had growing up using this on my dad's truck one hot day. Basically, the stuff had cooked on!! I have never dared to use wax on a car (or anywhere else) since. I had a good laugh thinking about it... and then a good cry at the misery I could have prevented.


Allyson said...

Wo, two entries in one are back. I try to avoid manual labor at all costs...but if things change, I will heed your warning. Thanks!!!!

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

I can barely get myself to wash my car twice a year let alone wax it...

I mean, it's a neon. Not a whole lot to take pride in...

Elisa said...

Wow...thank heavens I don't even wash my car.

Speaking of cleaning stuff. Some door to door salespeople came by the other day. They were SUPER nice until I said I had already spent my cleaning budget that month (which was not a lie) and then they were SO RUDE TO ME! I may have to get one of those "NO SOLICITATION" stickers even though they seem so grouchy to me.

Indiana Haffners said...

I've acually read about another use for the wax stuff. (The Queen of Clean lady has some great ideas, whether or not she came up with all of them...) Anyway - to keep your shower easier to clean apply a coat of car wax (don't put on floor of tub or shower - slippery duh!) and then just squeegee off the walls after a shower. I've really meant to do this but since I don't wax my car...I don't have any wax on hand.

Howling Pickup said...

Hi Nanci!
I found your blog site on Julia Whitehead's. It was so fun to read your blog and get a little caught up. I can't remember when I saw you last. I think about you and Jill and your family and hope you are all well.
-Amber Simkins Wolford

Rebecca said...

Hi Nanci...hope you will get back to blogging soon. We think about your family often here in Maricopa. My boys really loved playing at the park with yours! Found your blog through Allyson and Sarah. It's Rebecca Huffaker here. Merry Christmas!

Jewel said...

Hey Nanci- Looks like you haven't been on in about 7 months. Well I just wanted to let you know that I finally posted our experience with Kawasaki disease- something you suggested I do when you introuduced me to blogging 1 year ago.

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Whitney said...

Whitney H here back from Provo 4-plex days. Glad I found your blog here. I can't believe how old your kids are!